Everybody’s Working For the Weekend! — You Deserve Treats And Cheats. Or Do You?

Welcome to a repeat performance of one of the web’s best posts of 2016…Enjoy!

The weekend is here…you’ve been good all week…eating nutritiously, hydrating often, exercising regularly…and now it’s time to kick back and enjoy yourself.

Before you dive headlong into a 2-day gluttony-and-sloth-fest, I’m going to ask you to tell me exactly what you did to deserve to eat pizza until you hurt. How precisely did you earn that pint of Ben & Jerry’s? Why do you have the right to indulge in too much beer and Cheez Kurls?

To my way of thinking, the only people who deserve to eat like that are the ones who kick puppies, scare small children and shove old ladies.


What I’m getting at is that mistreating your body is not even remotely akin to presenting yourself with a hard-earned reward. Glopping up your digestive, circulatory and endocrine systems with 12 Snickers bars and a gallon of chocolate milk while you are piled on the couch watching 50 Shades of Grey for the 19th time is a punishment not a present.50shades


I would suggest that you likely deserve a lot better! You deserve to eat well, exercise regularly, and relax at the end of your busy week. You’ve earned the right to make your healthy a priority.


You will never find peace with food, exercise and other healthful habits if you are continually viewing them as virtuous, righteous, pious or difficult to attain/sustain. Because as soon as you start believing that you need to get serious, buckle down, dig in your heels and grit your teeth in the pursuit of health, you’ve missed the point. You are trying to rely on willpower and self-control which NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER works long-term.


I don’t recommend that people pledge allegiance to some random expert’s plan, program or specific schedule for eating, exercise, sleep or hydrating because I believe that you need to learn, and DO, what’s best for you. And I have every bit of confidence that you will do just that when you decide to make your health journey a priority.



This is the foundation upon which my best-selling nutrition seminar is built. I’m so looking forward to introducing this unique approach to a sold-out venue in Sparta, Michigan beginning on Tuesday April 16.

sold out crowd

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